In the changing world, it is crucial to have skills like curiosity, creativity, communication, sustainability, consistency, and self-care. Without these skills, it is going to be difficult for children to thrive in their life as an adult. We believe that all children have the potential to develop all these skills if they are provided with a suitable learning environment. In SISU preschools we provide a rich learning environment.
Every child has a unique capacity. To nurture that capacity and convert it into a passion a good teacher is required. The well-trained teacher in our schools can very well nurture your child.
Education in Finland
Learn through experiences - Experience with the world around us
Exploration and curiosity are crucial elements of learning. We promote children's natural abilities to observe, analyze, and understand the world around them. We support the development of children's linguistic and mathematical skills through different everyday activities. We strengthen children's relationship with nature and the surrounding environment through science and environmental education.
Coming soon

Your child at SISU School
It takes a village to raise a child. This African proverb has the essence of an efficient education system. At SISU schools, we blend the inspiration, advanced teacher training, and a creative learning environment conducive to our methods and tools. All these factors are to support your child's learning. We believe that children can learn best in playful and cheering surroundings. A day at SISU Schools preschool will give you an idea about your child's daily routine with us.
We look for the holistic development of your child at our preschool. It includes the physical, emotional, social, cognitive spheres of development. Learning to learn is the focus of SISU schools, which is a life skill. As we know, the world is changing rapidly, and our kids need to have the necessary adaptability. At SISU schools, we provide them with rich life experiences blending indoor and outdoor learning environments.
Nature is the best teacher - Do we need only classrooms as a LEARNING SPACE? It happens everywhere.
Children are learning every moment of the day, whether it's putting on your shoes, pouring yourself a drink, or learning about science through a hands-on science project. The teacher's role is to enhance active situational learning.

Learning in different ways
Children have more energy than any adult. They are very much curious about doing new things. They learn while they play. There are various forms and levels of play, and a professional teacher knows how to encourage countless possibilities for children to learn. Play can happen through more organized activities or through free play, role play, where the teacher's role is to guide, facilitate, document, and participate in enhancing learning.
Learning by doing approach
Children at SISU School also learn through guided experimentation, and this is achieved by doing projects. The term "project-based learning" is part of our educational approach and involves a collaborative effort between children and teachers. The project exploration can be done in a small group or with the whole class. Teachers draw inspiration from thoughtfully designed materials and will select a suitable project that fits the children's developmental age.

Daily Routine at SISU Schools
Children at SISU School also learn through guided experimentation, and this is achieved by doing projects. The term "project-based learning" is part of our educational approach and involves a collaborative effort between children and teachers. The project exploration can be done in a small group or with the whole class. Teachers draw inspiration from thoughtfully designed materials and will select a suitable project that fits the children's developmental age.
Daily Routine
09.30 am to 10.00 am - Circle Time & Free Play
10.00 am to 10.15 am - Warm Up & Prayers
10.15 am to 10.30 am - Morning breakfast
10.30 am to 10.45 am - Break - Potty time
10.45 am to 11.15 am - Theme Activities & Free Play
11.15 am to 11.25 am - Break - Potty time
11.25 am to 11.55 am - Music/Dance/Outdoor play/Arts
11.55 am to 12.10 pm - Pack - Up & Send Off
Learning is more than Teaching
Linguistic Skills, Mathematical Skills and Science, and Creative Technological Skills
Cultural and Ethical Values and skills
Expressions through Musical activities, art & craft visuals, Verbal and Physical Movements, activities
21st Century Skills, Physical Fitness, Social, Emotional & Behavioural Skills
Learn through experiences - Experience with the world around us
Exploration and curiosity are crucial elements of learning. We promote children's natural abilities to observe, analyze, and understand the world around them. We support the development of children's linguistic and mathematical skills through different everyday activities. We strengthen children's relationship with nature and the surrounding environment through science and environmental education.
Understanding the world we live in
We support children in understanding the diversity in their local community, as well as the practices that activate respect for diversity. We support children’s growth as conscious human beings and help them to understand what it means to be an ethically responsible member of society.
Learning through expressions
We familiarize them with different art forms and their cultural heritage. We offer children opportunities to express themselves through musical activities, visual arts/crafts, and bodily/verbal expression.
Practicing a healthy way of living
We focus on building a strong foundation for a healthy way of living, which consists of physical activity, nutrition, rest, self-care, and care of others. This learning area supports other learning areas and helps children manage their daily life and routines.
Motivating and highly-trained teaching staff
Our teachers look at the world through the child's perspective because each one learns in different ways and at a different pace. At SISU Schools, we provide teachers with tools and guidance to accommodate a child's natural curiosity and to support each child fully.
We highly value our teachers and recognize them as educators whose role is very influential in a child's learning. SISU Schools trains its teachers thoroughly and offers continuous training and the ability to be part of a global SISU teacher community.
Team building with mixed age groups
At our schools, children have the right to learn and develop individually and in group settings. We provide children with opportunities to learn interaction skills and social norms within a group of peers. Children must learn how to consider others while building their foundation skills for life.
Secure and warm surroundings make learning easy.
Research shows that your physical surroundings can impact your behavior, thoughts, emotions, and well-being. Because children learn with all five senses, our schools need to be more than just functional spaces. Our creative learning spaces are specifically designed to support our curriculum and daily activities, providing children with a safe, calm, and stress-free learning environment.
Bilingual environment
SISU Schools believe that to understand any concept in the world, a student's mother tongue will be the easiest language. The English language is taught as a common communication language with the help of instruction, their native language, and English. This method is widely recognized all over the world as an effective way for children to learn another language.